[The Anderson Family]

Here's a shortcut button bar.

[This is a Family Portrait, June 1995] Please visit our linked pages to find out more about our family and our interests.

Other links will take you to information on the Apple Franklin Laser Users Group of Spokane, the club BBS, cool places for Mac users, and a few of our friends web pages.

If you would like help with your web site, Macintosh computer or HTML consultation, or information on home system connectivity (Mac, Apple // and PC info) please send me email.

Thanks for your visit and click on, or here's a personal welcome.

I also chose not to use frames
for your visiting enjoyment.

Gordon, Shirley, Daria, and Markie Anderson

Here's another path to our pages. Just click a pic. By request, Shirley's page is unavailable at this time.

My Web-Counter says you are visitor [This is a digital display] since October 11, 1995.

Here is a list of the latest modifications to my web site. This is a reference list without any links.


Last modified 8-Aug-99


Page design by gordon.anderson@sisna.com